Sustainability Research
The Sustainability Research Group at the Department of Social Sciences was established in 2006 (together with two other research groups at the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Faculty of Business and Economics) when the former Man-Society-Environment (MGU) foundation was integrated into the University of Basel to create the Master in Sustainable Development. In order to offer the trifaculty Master of Sustainable Development (MSD), the Sustainability Research Group works primarily with the Department of Environmental Economics at the Faculty of Business and Economics and the Man-Society-Environment (MGU) program in the Department of Environmental Sciences. Members of the department are also involved in teaching the Master's degree program Changing Societies and the certificate program Pathways to Sustainability. A particular focus of the group is on research into sustainability transformations in the agricultural, food and energy sectors.

University of Basel
Sustainability Research
Bernoullistrasse 14-16
4056 Basel, Switzerland
Fax: +41 (0)61 207 07 75