Burger, P., Hess, A.-K., Parlow, S., Schuber, I., & Sohre, A. (2019). Sufficiency in everyday life. Promising steps towards achieving a low-carbon society. University of Basel, Sustainability Research Group, 1-18. PDF version
Burger, P., Hess, A.-K., Parlow, S., Schubert, I., & Sohre, A. (2019). Suffizienz im Alltag. Vielversprechende Schritte auf dem Weg zur Erreichung einer CO2-armen Gesellschaft. Universität Basel, Fachbereich Nachhaltigkeitforschung, 1-21. PDF Version
Hess A.-K. & I. Schubert. 2019. "Das geteilte E-Cargo-Bike: Boom und Barrieren in Basel". Universität Basel. https://www.unibas.ch/de/Aktuell/News/Uni-Research/Das-geteilte-E-Cargo-Bike--Boom-und-Barrieren-in-Basel.html
Hess A.-K. & I. Schubert. 2019. “Functional Perceptions, Barriers, and Demographics Concerning e-Cargo Bike Sharing in Switzerland.” Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, The roles of users in low-carbon transport innovations: Electrified, automated, and shared mobility, 71 (June): 153–68. doi https://doi.org/10.1016/j.trd.2018.12.013 .
A.-K. Hess, R. Samuel, P. Burger. 2018. "Informing a social practice theory framework with social-psychological factors for analyzing routinized energy consumption: A multivariate analysis of three practices". Energy Research & Social Science, 46 (2018) 183–193. doi:10.1016/j.erss.2018.06.012 .

Upper Rhine Cluster for Sustainability Research 2018 International Conference
Hess, Ann-Kathrin, and Iljana Schubert. “Can At-Home Tailored Energy Advice Contribute to Changing Households’ Energy Consumption Routines? A Randomized Controlled Trial.” presented at the Upper Rhine Cluster for Sustainability Research 2018 International Conference, Strasbourg, September 28, 2018.
5th SCCER CREST Annual Conference
Hess, Ann-Kathrin, and Iljana Schubert. “Work Package 2: Tailored In-Home Energy Advice for Households. A Randomized Controlled Trial in Basel.” Poster presented at the 5th SCCER CREST Annual Conference, University of Basel, September 12, 2018. [PDF]
5th European Conference on Behaviour and Energy Efficiency
Hess, Ann-Kathrin, and Iljana Schubert. “The Effect of Tailored Energy Advice on Households’ Energy Use: A Randomized Controlled Field Experiment.” presented at the 5th European Conference on Behaviour and Energy Efficiency (BEHAVE), Zürich, September 6, 2018.
Suffizienz Netzwerk Schweiz Treffen
Poster Präsentation des Projekts «Suffizienz als Mehrwert im Alltag» im Rahmen des Suffizienz Netzwerk Schweiz Treffens, 7. Mai 2018 [PDF]
Brown Bag Talk, Denk-Weiter-Woche der Universität Basel
Dolleschel, Martin, Catherine Heinzer, Ann-Kathrin Hess, und Stephan Parlow. «Lebensqualität Für Alle - Wissenschaft und Verwaltung für eine nachhaltige Mobilität.» gehalten beim Brown Bag Talk im Rahmen der Denk-Weiter-Woche der Universität Basel, 18. April 2018. [PDF]
Workshop Interdisciplinary Perspectives of the Household Energy Demand Domain
Hess, Ann-Kathrin. “The Role of E-Cargo-Bike Sharing as a Means of Changing Urban Mobility Behavior.” presented at the Workshop Interdisciplinary Perspectives of the Household Energy Demand Domain, University of Basel, January 29, 2018.
STS Basel West
Hess, Ann-Kathrin, und Stephan Parlow. «Das Mauerblümchen Suffizienz». gehalten beim Anlass des Stadtteilsekretariats Basel-West: Nachhaltigkeit braucht Suffizienz, Basel, 28. November 2017. [PDF]
Vorab referierte Catherine Heinzer, Projektleiterin in der Kantons- und Stadtentwicklung BS zum Thema «Was ist eigentlich Suffizienz?» [PDF]
95. Sitzung des Trägervereins Stadtteilsekretariat Kleinbasel
Hess, Ann-Kathrin, und Stephan Parlow. «Nachhaltige Alltagsmobilität in Basel. Fallbeispiel Lastenrad-Sharing». gehalten auf der 95. Sitzung des Trägervereins Stadtteilsekretariat Kleinbasel, Basel, 24. Oktober 2017.
RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2017
Hess, Ann-Kathrin. “Analyzing the Role of a Cargo-Bike Sharing System in Changing Short Distance Mobility Behavior.” presented at the RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2017, London, August 30, 2017.
Understanding Risk group, Cardiff University
Hess, Ann-Kathrin. “Energy Consumption in Everyday Life.” presented at the Seminar at School of Psychology, Understanding Risk group, Cardiff University, August 24, 2017.
2nd PhDs in Transition Conference
Hess, Ann-Kathrin. “Bridging Social Practice Theories and Social Psychology. A New Approach for Multivariate Analysis of Routinized Energy Consumption Behavior.” presented at the 2nd PhDs in Transition Conference, Lausanne, April 27, 2017.