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The Formation and Consolidation of a Motley Crew - A Mixed-Method Overview of Swiss and German Corona Protests

New publication by Annika Sohre, Iljana Schubert et al.

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Gendered energy consumption goes beyond sex: Applying a multi-dimensional gender framework to Swiss survey data

New article by Iljana Schubert, Paul Burger et al.

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Encouraging shared and pooled-use automated vehicle mode choice—what users are sensitive to what instruments?

New article by Thomas Stoiber, Iljana Schubert et al.

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Säkularisierung und Inklusivität. Die Entwicklung lokaler religiöser Gruppen in der Schweiz, 2008-2022

Neuer Artikel von Adam Hearn et al.

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SNSF Starting Grant for Prof. Janina Grabs

With great pleasure we announce that Prof. Dr. Janina Grabs received a SNSF Starting Grant for the project „EXPECT-AGRI: The Political Economy of Expectations in Agri-Food Sustainability Transformations“. In her project, Prof. Dr. Janina…

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Jurisdictional approaches to sustainable agro-commodity governance: The state of knowledge and future research directions

New publication by Janina Grabs et al., led by Kate Macdonald

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Sustainability Research Group welcomes Philipp Dunker as new doctoral student

On 1st October 2024, Philipp Dunker starts his doctorate in the Sustainability Research Group. We wish you a good working start, Philipp, and welcome to the team!

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Charline Depoorter is new postdoc researcher in the Sustainability Research Group

Today, Charline Depoorter joins the Sustainability Research Group as a postdoctoral researcher. A warm welcome to the team and we wish you a good working start, Charline!

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Global governance through voluntary sustainability standards: Developments, trends and challenges

New publication by Janina Grabs et al., led by Axel Marx

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Sustainable development through religious environmental engagement? Evidence from Switzerland

New article by Adam Hearn, Ann-Lea Buzzi, Julius Malin and Jens Koehrsen