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Encouraging shared and pooled-use automated vehicle mode choice—what users are sensitive to what instruments?

New article by Thomas Stoiber, Iljana Schubert et al.

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Säkularisierung und Inklusivität. Die Entwicklung lokaler religiöser Gruppen in der Schweiz, 2008-2022

Neuer Artikel von Adam Hearn et al.

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SNSF Starting Grant for Prof. Janina Grabs

With great pleasure we announce that Prof. Dr. Janina Grabs received a SNSF Starting Grant for the project „EXPECT-AGRI: The Political Economy of Expectations in Agri-Food Sustainability Transformations“. In her project, Prof. Dr. Janina…

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Jurisdictional approaches to sustainable agro-commodity governance: The state of knowledge and future research directions

New publication by Janina Grabs et al., led by Kate Macdonald

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Sustainability Research Group welcomes Philipp Dunker as new doctoral student

On 1st October 2024, Philipp Dunker starts his doctorate in the Sustainability Research Group. We wish you a good working start, Philipp, and welcome to the team!

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Charline Depoorter is new postdoc researcher in the Sustainability Research Group

Today, Charline Depoorter joins the Sustainability Research Group as a postdoctoral researcher. A warm welcome to the team and we wish you a good working start, Charline!

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Global governance through voluntary sustainability standards: Developments, trends and challenges

New publication by Janina Grabs et al., led by Axel Marx

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Sustainable development through religious environmental engagement? Evidence from Switzerland

New article by Adam Hearn, Ann-Lea Buzzi, Julius Malin and Jens Koehrsen
Janina Grabs Foto

/ News, Forschung, People

Prof. Dr. Janina Grabs tritt Stelle als Professorin für Nachhaltigkeitsforschung an

Das Departement Gesellschaftswissenschaften heisst Janina Grabs herzlich willkommen! Sie wird u.a. für die Lehre im trifakultären Masterstudiengang Sustainable Development verantwortlich sein.
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